Tap Water Purifier, Universal Faucet Cleaner


Key Features:

  • Material: High-quality ABS, durable ceramics and diatoms ensure reliable water purification.
  • Size: Compact dimensions of 13.5 x 11 x 8 cm fit perfectly on any tap.

Cleaning performance:

  1. Calcium sulfite CaSO3: High-quality filtering of the finest impurities.
  2. Maifan Stone Mineralizing Ball: Eliminates harmful chemicals and inhibits germs.
  3. Tourmaline: Removes residual gases and rust, significantly improves the taste of the water.
  4. Calcium sulfites: Protection against floating impurities and protects your filter.
  5. Coconut shell activated carbon: Retains micro-impurities and ensures clean drinking water.
  6. Core filter technology: Effective capture of impurities and sediment caused by rust.

Ideal for any household, this tap water purifier provides an effective solution to remove large particles and contaminants from your drinking water. Provide clean, fresh and healthy water straight from your tap.